
Cleaning the Hard to Clean

worker safety vapor degreasing

As seen on http://jaycoclean.com/, February 2024

The landscape of industrial cleaning is rapidly changing, 随着环境保护局对溶剂的规定越来越多,制造商越来越需要寻找替代的清洁方法. 以下是清洁专家杰夫·比尔德(Jayco清洁技术公司的产品和业务开发经理)和迈克·瓦伦蒂(哈伯德大厅清洁技术公司的主管)建议你考虑的问题 vapor degreasing solvent alternatives.

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当涉及到从溶剂脱脂过渡到水性清洗, 重要的是要明白化学和设备是相辅相成的. As Mike Valenti explains, “There are certain problems we can solve with the chemistry, 但化学物质本身并不能弥补你用水溶液清洁所需的所有特性. So equipment is another side of the equation that you need, 因为你需要不同类型的设备才能得到和现在用溶剂脱脂剂一样的效果.”

Jeff Beard补充道:“今天的化学和设备必须协同工作. It’s incumbent upon us as suppliers, both of our companies, 向客户提供这些知识和信息,以便他们理解为什么这种化学物质对我的材料相容性和土壤去除是最好的? 然后它如何在我正在看的这个洗衣机里运行?”

The Technology Behind Jayco’s Rotary Basket Parts Washers

Jayco’s rotary basket parts washer 是水精密清洁技术进步的主要例子吗. Jeff Beard explains, “今天的这些系统确实采用了许多设备中使用的标准技术,并将它们整合到一个系统中. So within a system, we do spray, we do flood, we do immersion with or without ultrasonic, 然后我们加入真空,我们可以用它来加强清洁和漂洗过程以及真空干燥.”

这个全面的系统允许有效的清洗范围广泛的土壤, including 3D printed parts. 真空组件的洗衣机确保彻底的清洁过程,超越标准的浸入式或喷雾式洗衣机的能力.

The Chemistry Behind Hubbard Hall’s Solutions

当涉及到将化学与Jayco的设备配对时,Hubbard Hall提供了一系列 aqueous cleaning solutions. 迈克·瓦伦蒂解释了他们在制定这些清洁剂时所考虑的标准:“我们希望在那里加入低危害的化学物质,可以安全地清洁所有金属类型而不会受到攻击. We want to be able to separate the soil, 所以我们需要化学物质来帮助清除清洁浴缸中的土壤. 因为我们现在依靠更多的机械动作来做清洁喷雾, ultrasonics, the flooding, we have to have low foam profiles.”

Hubbard Hall的目标是提供对工人安全且与所有金属类型兼容的环境安全清洁器. They also prioritize easy rinsing and residue-free parts, 特别是在医疗应用等行业,残留物可能是有害的.

Aqueous Cleaning vs. Vapor Degreasing Solvent Alternatives

水清洗的主要优点之一是它的长期可行性相比,溶剂替代品. 迈克·瓦伦蒂强调了溶剂法规的不确定性:“他们禁止用水的那一天, we’re all in trouble. So what we tell customers when they ask and call, they say, “你能保证如果我换成共沸溶剂或改性酒精, 这些在五到十年内都不会受到监管?’ And what I tell them is, I can’t guarantee you that, because the EPA’s bias is still to try to eliminate solvents.”

By transitioning to aqueous cleaning, 制造商可以降低未来溶剂法规的风险. 虽然有偿付能力的替代方案可能提供短期解决方案,但长期前景不确定. 水清洗提供了一个更安全、更可持续的选择.

The Benefits of Jayco’s Parts Cleaner

Jayco的旋转篮子零件洗衣机提供了几个优势,超过其他溶剂设备的选择. Jeff Beard explains, “The really big difference between the two processes, if you were to compare them, is the temperature of the parts coming out of the process. 从水处理过程中出来的部分在皮肤温度下是94到95华氏度. 因此,客户几乎可以立即处理这些部件,因为这些部件不会太热而无法触摸.”

这种温度优势允许更快的吞吐量,并降低热影响敏感测量的风险. Additionally, Jayco设备紧凑的占地面积使其成为希望优化空间和简化清洁过程的设施的理想选择.

Water Usage and Waste Mitigation

Concerns about water usage in aqueous cleaning are valid, 但Jayco的设备通过集成的除油和漂洗水回收系统解决了这些问题. Jeff Beard explains, “Assuming that the oil is able to be split straight, oils you can split, 你的化学物质的寿命将会很重要因为我们要做过滤和除油, which greatly extends the life of those chemistries. On the rinse side, 我们可以在过程中实施简单的碳离子交换系统,并重复使用漂洗水.”

通过有效地管理除油和实施水循环系统, Jayco的设备最大限度地减少了水的浪费,并最大限度地延长了清洁化学品的使用寿命.

Conclusion and Future Outlook of Parts Cleaning

As the landscape of industrial parts cleaning continues to evolve, 水溶液清洗正在成为寻求降低风险的制造商的首选, reduce environmental impact, and optimize their cleaning processes. 随着化学和设备技术的不断进步, the future of aqueous cleaning looks promising, offering a safer, more sustainable, and efficient alternative to solvent-based cleaning methods.

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